Friday, April 20, 2007

A rather disturbing turn of events...

I know, I know. The past few posts have been about dating, and maybe some of you are sick of it. Still, I have to post this, as this story is one for the books.

Hopefully, I'll be going out with another girl in the very near future. In preparation for this, I decided to give the shadchan from the original date ( my first girl ) a call. My idea was to discern if - unbeknownst to myself - I had messed up at all on that date, and said or did anything wrong and/or inappropriate. This way, armed with that information, I could make sure not to mess up again by making the same mistakes.

I called her up, and the conversation went like this:

Her: what can I do for you?

Me: well, I was wondering if you could help me. I'm going out again soon, and I was wondering if the girl pointed anything out to you from our date that I had done wrong.

Her: ( very hastily) No, no! God forbid! You didn't do anything wrong! There's was just something wrong with her.

Me: No, I'm not asking you for a reason why the girl said "no". I just want to know if I flubbed something or did something wrong by accident.

Her: I'm telling you, you didn't. Don't worry. It was all her. You couldn't have been better. (sighs) We had to yell at yher a little. She needs to take a break from dating, I think..."

Me: Um..

Her: She needs to take a look at herself. ( another sigh) I don't know, to be honest. I've never seen such a strong reaction like hers was. It was just negative.

Me: what?

Her: Yeah. She called me, and she was like, "I hate that guy..

Me: What?

Her: Yeah, I had the same reaction. It was weird. She just couldn't stand you.

Me: whoa.

Her: At first, I thought "oh no... what did he do?" but then we went through every minute detail of the date, and everything that she pointed out that you did was perfect. You couldn't have been any better. Really. You were polite, a true gentleman.

Me: that is weird.

Her: Well, I yelled at her, but I still can't figure it out. The only thing I can think of is that she somehow associated you with some other guy, one who she really hated. And then, once that notion was in her head, she couldn't get past it.

Me: ...

Her: anyway, she's taking a break from dating for a bit. But you did fine. It was all her.

Me: Thanks.

Her: good luck, and keep doing what you're doing, and it'll be fine!

Isn't that weird? During the date, I saw absolutely no indication that she didn't like me, let alone hate me. The conversation flowed, and she was all smiles and joking. I could have sworn it was authentic. Maybe she's psycho. But that freaks me out. Now, how am I gonna know if some girl I take out is into me or really hates me? What if she's as nuts as the first?

To be honest, I'm a little freaked out...

Originally posted Friday, 5 January 2007

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