Monday, September 27, 2010

In His Own Words

In this interview with ABC, Matisyahu tells us a little about himself, his music, and his view on what role his religious experience and his music plays...

I realize that many people take issue with his approach and style, but I personally believe that Matis is one of the most sincere musicians - Jewish or otherwise - out there. The more I listen to the music, the more I find things within it that I identify with. His style has grown and matured, reflecting his own spiritual searching. His struggles reflect that of your average thinking person, and his lyrics contain some of the most profound thoughts ever expressed in the medium...


Natan said...

Thanks for posting that. I agree with your assessment of Matis. I spent a Shabbos with him a while back and found him to be very real and a "searcher" too.

Anonymous said...

I totally hear your thoughts on Matis, his sincerity and frustration. I feel so torn when I think of him. While on the one hand, I can so relate to being between two worlds and wanting the best of both (and almost thinking I can have it too), on the other, how much of a toll is this taking on him? I know it sucker punched me a bunch of times (though I may not have been "in this world" at the moment to realize....v'hameivin yavin)