When they first came out, the gemara continues, they were on such a high spiritual level that when Rashbi ( an acronym for Rabbon Shimon Bar-Yochai ) glanced around and saw a farmer tilling his soil, the farmer was engulfed in flames. Rashbi had been immersed in nothing but Godliness for so long that when he saw someone working to develop this world, as opposed to the world to come, it was too much.
The story continues that they went back into the cave for another year, and came out on a Friday afternoon. They saw someone running with two sprigs of hadassim and asked him what they were for. The man explained that he was going to burn them for shabbos, one for the verse V'Shamor, and the other for the verse V'Zachor ( this is also a reason for two candles being lit on Friday night, the eve of Shabbos), Appeased by the enthusiasm they saw a simple Jew putting into his avodah, Rashbi was able to enter back into the world again.
The fires of the madurot (bonfire) remind us of what we are capable of, if we work for it. According to Chasidic and Kabbalistic texts, each Jew has a spark of holiness within him/her. We can kindle this spark into a blazing fire if we strive to elevate and transcend.
Is it any wonder that on Lag B'Omer, we dance around bonfires together, hand in hand with strangers, with friends, with loved ones? Right in the middle of a time when we mourn the passing of so many scholars ( who died because they didn't treat one another in the proper way ), we celebrate a festive day by dancing together, as one.
May this be the last lag B'Omer in Galus.
Below I've posted pictures of the madura I went to. It was small, intimate, and meaningful, and a blast as well. I really miss the Holy Land...
regards from miron!
just as long as u do miss it.
anyway thats a real cool reason y we lite fires. i never knew that. I guess i never thought about it b4.
i miss israel! nice blog....the t-shirt design...very interesting, disnt know u were pursuing a career in fashion-but hey, good luck! hope all went well...
the groupie
What's up bro. I gotta catch up on comments for the past three posts. First and foremost, congratulations on the new site. In your post you mentioned how you feel you’ve grown since the birth of the blog and I’d like to think that we the die-hard followers have grown as well and I would like to thank you for venue you've provided. Moving along, I love the shirts, and I want three of them, one short sleeve large and I gotta get back to you on the other two sizes. And finally I wish us all to fan our inner spark into a guiding light to guide us down the path of righteous and just.
Karma Dude out.......
great pics!
karma i was gettin worried where u were
those guys look Lubavitch.
Amen to your statement on Galus! May Hashem bring the final Geulah speedily and painlessly in our days- Amen!!! Chag Smeach!
They're not Lubavitch, 2 much beer guy.
But if they were, would that be a problem?
And "some guy" I'll second that amen!
fire, i like fire
great message and pics
Thanks, Lvnsm27!
Keep cheking in for more pics from the Holy Land!
beautiful pics.
I miss the land, the people, the atmosphere... everything....
they were such great pics!!! i cant believe i didnt know anyone there! i must be losing my touch!
ps i can promise israel misses you to...
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