Friday, September 21, 2007

Parting Shot...

A hunter is making his way through the forest when he realizes that he is lost. There's little time until nightfall, and the hunter knows he must find his way out beforehand, lest he be caught in the darkness with the wild animals he hunts.
As he is walking, he hears a rustling in the bushes near him. He doesn't know what's behind the bushes; it could be the wind, or some fearsome creature. Instinct takes over; he shoots an arrow into the foliage. No more sound comes from that direction.
He continues walking, only to hear more sounds from the forest, coming from the other direction.
Again, he sends an arrow flying into the woods, hoping he's killed whatever is stalking him.

Over and over, the scenario repeats itself: he'll hear something that could be a danger, and he shoots in the direction of the threat, until he is down to one arrow.
Suddenly, he hears an unmistakable sound: the growl of a tremendous bear, making it's way towards him.

The hunter knows that he must make this solitary arrow count. His aim can not fail, his shot must fly true, or he won't survive...

The Dubno Maggid uses this parable to illustrate the power and importance of Neilah, the final prayer of the Yom Kippur service.

During the forty days of the month of Elul and subsequent Ten Days of Repentance, we use most of our ammunition. A prayer here, a pledge there; some halfhearted, some with real sincerity.
Neilah is that last moment, when it all comes down to making a stand, and making sure that out prayers fly straight up to Heaven. It is the proverbial "last arrow in the quiver".

I want to bless all of us that our "parting shots" will hit their marks, and that we should all merit a wonderful year, with a clean slate, and lots of blessings!

P.S. Next week, I'll be headed to the Holy Land, God willing. If anyone wants me to pray at the Kosel for them or a loved one, just send me an e mail with that person's name. It would be my pleasure. Please make sure to add a specification (e.g. for a refuah, etc,), this will make things simpler for me.


Anonymous said...

Amen to that.

doodlehead said...

yayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hope u had a meaninful rosh hashana and yom kippur...dude ur living the dream.."Lashana Haba B'Yerushalayim". Enjoy ur trip and cuz its never too late, hope ur mochel me! Plz Daven for my 2 "sisters" and that good friend of urs, plus myself. thanks a lot!